Services > Counselling and Psychotherapy > Couples > Separation/Divorce


The processes of separating from a spouse or ending a marriage are complex and painful. There are various psychological, legal, financial, parental, family, and community issues that may need to be addressed. Emotions arising from a separation or divorce can range from shock and disbelief to detachment, indifference, anger, ambivalence, disappointment, depression, mourning, etc. When one individual in a marriage leaves his or her spouse for another individual, separation or divorce is often initiated. There are many other causes for separation or divorce, but regardless of the cause, the process of separation often has a profound effect on everybody involved.

My approach to couples counselling is to create a safe, objective, and therapeutic atmosphere where partners are free to decide the future of their relationship. I try to create an atmosphere that allows couples to decide for themselves whether to separate, get divorced, or stay together  so that they are better able to make an informed decision about their future. My role is to guide couples through the decision process, help them recognize their relationship potential, and clarify any ambiguities about their future. The main goal of couples counselling is to promote the well-being of both individuals while also considering the impact their decisions might have on their children.

I combine validation, support, and compassion with more traditional behavioural and psychoeducational approaches. I model empathy for both partners in an environment that is supportive (except in circumstances of physical, verbal, or emotional abuse) so that they can learn how to demonstrate similar understanding and empathy toward each other. Because of the risk involved when abuse is employed in a relationship as a method of control, “no violence” contracts are enforced as a precondition to therapy. Couples who benefit most from this type of therapy are willing and able to explore ways of understanding each other and are open to exploring how their past situations might have contributed to their present difficulties.